GSBI Letter To Presiden Benigno Aquino and Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis Baldoza Departement of Labor Employment Philippines
Sub : Demands and Urge to the Government of Philippines To: 1. MR. PRESIDENT BENIGNO AQUINO III New Executive Building Mal...
Sub : Demands and Urge to the Government of Philippines
New Executive Building
Malacañang Palace Compound J. P. Laurel St.San Miguel, Manila
Tel: (082) 564-1451 to 80; 736-1010
Fax : (082) 735-8005
Department of Labor Employment
7th Floor, DOLE Building, Intramuros, Manila, the Philippines
Fax No: (082) 336-8182
Dear Mr. President and Secretary of DOLE,
Introduce, we are Central Executive Board of Federation of Indonesian Trade Unions
(DPP.GSBI) which is the organization Centre of Labour Struggle, which is located on Jl. Cempaka
Baru V No. 30A, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Indonesia.
We have been getting news about the fire of Kentex Manufacturing Inc, a slipper factory
located in Valenzuela City, Metro Manila, Philippines, on May 13, 2015 last. Where the result of this fire, at least more than 72 workers were killed on fire, suffered burns, yet some workers are still missing, and impact of this tragedy hundreds of people lost their jobs.
The fact-finding mission conducted by labor groups in the Philippines, a day after the Kentex
tragedy revealed the company’s serious violations of occupational health and safety (OHS)
standards. These include the following: mishandling of highly flammable chemicals shown byabsence of proper storage and labeling of the latter; absence of fire exits at the second floor; absence of fire alarms and drills; and, with the thick steel mesh that covered the factory’s windows, the virtual imprisonment of workers.
Apart from grave violations of OHS standards, massive violations of basic labor standards by
the company were also exposed. The workers who have worked for the company for more
than 10 years were receiving only the legally-mandated minimum wage rate. Workers were
deprived of regular status even if they have worked in the company for many years. The agency which supplies manpower to Kentex, CJC Manpower Services, repeatedly rehired workers as contractuals and paid the latter a mere P202 a day, way below the P481 minimum wage rate in the National Capital Region. Kentex also employed the piece-rate wage scheme, which is against the law. CJC Manpower Services also failed to remit workers’ contributions to the Social Security System and PhilHealth despite regularly deducting these from the salaries of workers.
The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) did not issue Kentex a Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
(FSIC) after conducting an inspection last July 2014, but apparently failed to give appropriate
reports to the local government for subsequent action and failed to monitor the factory’s
continued operation. Following an inspection on September 18, 2014, the Department of
Labor and Employment (DOLE), by virtue of Department Order (DO) 131-13 or the “Rules on
Labor Laws Compliance System” promulgated by Sec. Rosalinda Baldoz, issued Kentex a
Certificate of Compliance (COC) with regard to General Labor Standards (GLS) and Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) Standards .
As a fellow of Trade Unions who have a spirit of solidarity and common struggle on labor
issues such as, Health and Safety at work place, Wages, Social Security, Contract Labour
System. Of course, we pay serious attention, solidarity and our support for the struggle of the workers who survived and the families of victims who died as a result of the fire Kentex
Manufacturing Inc., on May 13 last, to demands responsibility from owners of Kentex
Manufacturing Inc, as well as government of Philippines
On that basis, through this letter we are Central Executive Board of Federation of Indonesian Trade Unions (DPP.GSBI), to demands and urged the Department of Labor Employee and the Government of the Philippines to:
1. Investigate thoroughly cases of fires that occurred in Kentex Manufacturing Inc., and
dragging the company owner (Kentex Manufacturing Inc.) to court to take full
responsibility for tragedy of these fires. Because desire to increase profits, willfully
ignored workers’ health and safety standards, and laid out the conditions that resulted in
the death of more 72 workers.
2. Immediately discharge from their posts and to ensure criminal prosecution of
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Sec. Rosalinda Baldoz and top officials of
the DOLE and Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Sec. Mar Roxas and
top officials of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) who condoned the operation of a
factory that proved to be fatal to workers.
3. Ensure just full compensation and fair for the victims' families and survivors of the
Kentex factory fire, including the all medical expenses.
Thus, letters demands and urged we submit, and hope that the government of Philippine
immediately take legal measures for the handling of these tragedy, and give more on
protection and safety and healthy at work place, as well as to fulfillment of workers rights as
recognized universally.
Yours sincerely
Central Executive Board
Federation of Indonesian Trade Unions (GSBI)
Chairperson General Secretary
1. Chairperson of Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU), in Philippines
2. File